Argentina - Buenos Aires - Top yield -

Hotel to buy: 4 star de Luxe hotel in Buenos Aires

Buenos Aires
Buenos Aires Stadtplatz
Buenos Aires
Buenos Aires bei Nacht

Buenos Aires is the capital and the political, cultural, commercial and industrial centre of Argentina. The town forms the core one of the biggest Metropol region of South America, the grand Buenos Aires with about 13 million inhabitants. Today the city stretches herself out on about 68 kilometres to the north west and southeast and about 33 kilometres off the coast to the southwest. It is often called “the waterhead” of Argentina, because here are almost all important institutions of the country and one third of all Argentines live in the town and in the surrounding. It is an important cultural centre and was distinguished in 2005 by UNESCO with the title “Town of design”. The hotel lies in the centre of the town and is a well established, luxurious 4 stars plus hotel. The building constructor can be called very good; no essential renovations are necessary. Because of the excellent location and the huge demand of tourists as well as business travelers, the hotel achieves an occupancy-rate of more than 75%. The hotel can be bought free of operator/management or with a lease-contract for 15 years.

Hotel Category
4 star
Hotel Typ
full hotel
Hotel Rooms
Hotel Features
restaurant, bar, conference
Hotel Area
on inquiry
Hotel Price
€ 16.000.000,-
Hotel Honorar
3% of the purchase price
Hotel Rendite
7% and more

Object: Hotel to buy: 4 star de Luxe hotel in Buenos Aires



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