Germany - Hamburg -

Hotel project with land for sale

© pixabay / videomaxic

© pixabay / videomaxic

© pixabay / falco

© pixabay / falco

© pixabay / Scholie

© pixabay / Scholie

© pixabay / monikawl999

© pixabay / videomaxic

© pixabay / Karsten Bergmann

© pixabay / Karsten Bergmann

© pexels / Low Angle Fotografie

© pexels / Low Angle Fotografie

The location

There is not much to write about Hamburg at this point. Among other things, Hamburg is the third most popular city in Germany after Berlin and Munich. If you count the number of overnight stays, Hamburg already ranks 6th in Europe after London, Paris, Berlin, Istanbul and Stockholm. Hamburg Tourismus (HHT) boss Michael Otremba recently said: “The number of guests in Hamburg recovered faster in 2022 than in most other metropolises in Germany and Europe. In August and September, Hamburg even had more overnight stays than before the 2019 crisis. From January up to and including October, almost 12.4 million overnight stays were recorded.”
The property for sale is located in Wandsbek, the most populous district in the northeast of the city.

The project

A project for a hotel for business travellers, conferences and seminars, tourists and sports enthusiasts was developed on a plot of around 3,300 square meters, which is ideally located in terms of transport. It is a fully developed hotel project with building permission; i.e. construction can start immediately. The maximum number of rooms is 115.

Your investment

The purchase price for the property is EUR 3.1 million and includes the entire development, planning and building permit. It is up to the buyer to decide in which category, size and equipment the hotel should be built. We are looking for a professional hotel operator, buyers who buy for their own operation or an investor who can lease the turnkey operation to a professional hotel operator.

Hotel Category
2 to 4 star
Hotel Typ
Business, conference and sports hotel
Hotel Rooms
Up to 115 possible
Hotel Features
As you wish
Hotel Area
Approx. 3,300 sqm
Hotel Price
EUR 3,100,000 basis for negotiation
Hotel Honorar
3% of the purchase price plus 20% VAT.
Hotel Rendite
Depending on the concept

Object: Hotel project with land for sale



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